About Reiki

Energy Healing

Originating in Tibet over 2,500 years ago, Reiki is a hands-on energy healing modality that promotes deep relaxation and healing. Rediscovered and developed by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist Monk, Reiki literally       translates to “Universal Life Force Energy.”  This energy sustains all life and has a profound healing quality.  Reiki quiets and balances the nervous system, lowers blood pressure and promote a deep state of relaxation.

Sessions are clothed, and recipients lay comfortably on a massage table. During a session, the Reiki Practitioner gently lays their hands on the recipient, and the Reiki energy flows through the practitioner’s hands. Often the pleasant sensation of heat being transferred from practitioner to client is experienced, though each session is unique and experiences can vary from person to person. By addressing and restoring flow to energy blocks in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body, Reiki reduces stress, restores balance and results in healing.


Energy Healing & Energy Medicine

Energy medicine is a general term for all modalities that are centered around energy healing therapies, and can include Reiki, guided meditation, chakra balancing, sound vibration therapy, healing crystals and stones and others. In the holistic therapy sense, Energy Medicine is any healing process using energy fields, which cannot be measured with our current technology, but which when focused and properly utilized can lead to subtle or even dramatic healing and balancing experiences. Basically it is purifying and opening up the body’s energy systems in order to allow the body to go back to a restorative state, enabling it to use it’s own innate healing abilities to heal itself. Energy Medicine itself is based on the  fundamental premise that all physical objects (bodies) and psychological  processes (thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes) are expressions of energy.  Therefore, all bodies are believed to be infused with a “subtle” energy or life  force. This life force is known by a variety of terms corresponding to different  traditions. In traditional Chinese medicine it is called Qi  (pronounced CHEE),  in the Judeo-Christian tradition it is called Spirit, and in Ayurvedic medicine  it is represented in

Chakras are the energy centers along your body that suck in all energy, positive and negative, from the environment around you and can also hold in genetic or past trauma energy. They collect energy and each one is connected to a major organ or gland system that governs that part of the body. Chakras are similar to but different from Meridiens, which transport vital energy through pathways along the body to their related organs.

 The seven main chakras are located from the base of your spine (the Root chakra) to the top of your head (the Crown Chakra). The seven chakras are represented by seven different colors and are linked to various emotional and behavioural patterns. Balancing the chakras can strengthen the body as well as the body-mind connection and help with many situations, including having better awareness of the way our body and emotions react.