My Story

Connie Monahan is aN INTUITIVE healer who loves to facilitate and inspire people to heal, grow, and live their best life.

When I was 35 years old I was married with three children and living what some viewed as “the perfect life”. The truth was I was harbouring anger and resentment deep within every cell of my being. Sure, I pushed it down deep so that not even I admitted it was there, but yet there it was slowly but surely stripping me down. This raging animal finally reared its ugly head one September morning. There was no subtle warning signs any longer, it was a full force, head-on collision.

I could barely move to get out of bed that morning, everything was numb and very heavy and my head hurt something fierce.   In the coming days I couldn’t walk without assistance and I lost many fine and gross motor skills. I was no longer the caregiver to my family, but the one in need of care and assistance.

And so began my journey through Multiple Sclerosis and towards finding me…the real me, the whole me. They say we need to “walk through the pain” to heal and I truly believe this and so began my awakening step by step through all of the pain and the anger and the resentment I had so carefully and deeply buried for years.

When the Universe speaks, it is in our best interest to listen, but when we chose not to, it will keep reaching out to us over and over until it is “yelling” in our face with MS or some other physical or mental ailment, if that is what is necessary.

Since that day when the Universe had to “yell” at me, it has become my passion to help people get to the root cause of their energy blocks and self-sabotaging beliefs in order to release and re-balance what’s blocking their ability to heal, succeed and live their best life ever! When we can release those energetic blocks, trapped emotions, limiting beliefs and old stories, it reboots the body’s natural healing abilities and frees energies to create space for the life you’re been dreaming of!