
Connie is an amazing Reiki Master. After she’s unblocked my chakras I have, on some occasions, felt a little “drunk” on the amount of energy that she’s been able to release. She’s extremely insightful and offers great direction on how to continue your healing process after your session. She’s a wonderful soul and I feel truly blessed to have her in my life.


I have had a few Reiki sessions with Connie. I would just like to say what a pleasure it is to have it done by her. She is genuinely very caring and attentive not to mention extremely reasonable priced. She combines her practice with intuition to really find out exactly what needs the most attention. I would recommend Connie to anyone.. And I have!


Connie is a very caring, compassionate and experienced Reiki Master. During my sessions with Connie, she really listens and helps me to explore some of the communication my body is trying to send me but that I continue to ignore! During my sessions with Connie, I have experienced many sensations of stress reduction allowing me to slow down my very active brain. I often feel “lighter”, more centered with myself. I also feel energized and renewed ready to take on life’s challenges. Connie is always professional, open to questions and committed to helping others be the best that they can be. 


Connie is not only a beautiful human being, she is a superb Reiki practitioner. I think the two go hand in hand…. Having a session with Connie is always uplifting, regenerating and absolutely healing. Whenever I am feeling unbalanced, whether it is physically, emotionally, or mentally, I go see Connie for a reiki session. Every session I have had has brought me greater clarity as I feel my energy blockages being gently removed and my life force restored. I leave feeling healthier and lighter which helps  me to keep moving forward in my life. My family has also had sessions with Connie, as well as my clients and everyone has had great healing experiences. I am thrilled to know Connie and so blessed to have experienced her powerful yet gentle healing abilities. I cannot recommend her enough. Thank you Connie for all that you are!


I met Connie over 7 years ago. I did not know much about Reiki but had studied other modalities and was a yoga teacher / student. My stubborn, Hungarian Nana practised Reiki weekly until she died at 93, so I knew there was something to it. 

There are several stories I could tell about Connie’s expertise and healing. I was seeking therapy for a tobogganing injury in my wrist. As a yoga teacher, it limited my practice.  I had seen a physiotherapist, chiropractor and even an osteopath.  Each provided some relief.  Then I went to Connie.

As she began her treatment on my right arm, I felt tremendous heat in my shoulder, it moved down towards my elbow.  By the time she reached my wrist, I was in some discomfort. But only for a few seconds.  By the end, the pain in my wrist had vanished completely. This is a physical example of healing but I have been soothed and nourished by Connie for less physical symptoms.  She is truly gifted.


When I first came to Connie, I was new to Reiki and didn’t know what to expect. I can honestly say that my Reiki experience with Connie has been life changing. Connie helped me to not only understand the energy within me,  but to love and embrace myself. With this awareness and self love came an empowerment that allowed me to shed negative thoughts and relationships. I was able start  a new, emotionally healthier chapter in my life.  
A friend referred Connie to me because i was at such a low point in my life.  I was depressed, but i wanted to feel better so I booked an appointment.  I remember my first visit to Connie.  I don’t know what I was expecting or even if I thought that anything was better than leaving that first appointment but the very, very peaceful sleep.  I woke with a smile on my face, I felt lighter, happier and immediately booked another appointment.  I’ve been seeing Connie for 10 years now!  She keeps me on an even keel so I’m able to enjoy life, I am happy and I can deal with the challenges life sends my way.  She has a talent and I am grateful she shares her gifts with us.  Thank you Connie for all that you do. 
I loved Connie’s Energy 101 Workshop!  It brought to light how much negative thinking I was doing without realizing it.  Connie gave me the skills to help change that around and to think more positively.  It was both enlightening and practical!


You’re helping me to change my life and attract the life, career and outlook I deserve to have.   You’re gifts are incredible and I am so grateful for your support and guidance. 


Having had the pleasure of attending 4 sessions Reiki Healing with Connie,
I was elevated in an awareness and consciousness.  Each experience was profound and I truly benefited from the experience.  I highly recommend that you book a session with her. It was very helpful for me.
Not sure how to really sum up my experience with Connie, other than to say her work with me has deeply changed my health and life.

Leading up to my first session with her, I was very skeptical of energy healing and reiki and didn’t expect it to do anything for me at all.

I came to Connie with an array of health issues: hypothyroidism, PMDD, hypoglycemia, adrenal issues, severe anxiety and depression.
Since seeing her last year, things have changed in a big way for me: most of my health issues have lessened in their symptoms or I’ve healed completely from, I’ve also let go of a lot of old behaviours and emotions that were causing me to suffer.
Her sessions are a solace for me; you don’t have to know anything about energy or how it works, once she works on you, you  just feel ‘clean’ and ‘light’ and ‘free’. I’ve also recently started to do distance sessions with her which have proved to be just as effective (something I didn’t know worked until I tried it).
All in all, she’s brilliant and a great person to see for anyone dealing with anything from mild stress to more severe mental/physical ailments – would strongly recommend Connie – she’s amazing!
